SUMER/SOHO Observations of Long Period Oscillations in an Active Region Filament

TitreSUMER/SOHO Observations of Long Period Oscillations in an Active Region Filament
Type de publicationConference Paper
Year of Publication2001
AuteursRégnier, S., Solomon J., and Vial J. C.
ÉditeurBrekke, P., Fleck B., and Gurman J. B.
Conference NameRecent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions

During the MEDOC campaign #4 (October 1999), we observed an active region filament with the SUMER/SoHO spectrometer. After a global description of the active region NOAA 8725 with several instruments on board SoHO, we present a Fourier analysis of SUMER long time observations. This analysis allows to detect oscillations in several ranges of periodicities : 6-20 min, 30-40 min, and 55-150 min. We discuss these periodicities in terms of Alfvén and magnetoacoustic waves obtained in filament models developped by different authors. New MEDOC campaign (May 2000) coordinated with THEMIS (Tenerife) observatory should allow to examine the problem more closely.