List of Articles using MEDOC resources

Texture of average solar photospheric flows and the donut-like pattern, Roudier, T., Ballot J., Malherbe J. M., and Chane-Yook M. , Astron. Astrophys., Volume 671, p.A98, (2023)
Temperature of quiet Sun small scale brightenings observed by EUI on board Solar Orbiter: Evidence for a cooler component, Dolliou, A., Parenti S., Auchère F., Bocchialini K., Pelouze G., Antolin P., Berghmans D., Harra L., Long D. M., Schühle U., et al. , Astron. Astrophys., Volume 671, p.A64, (2023)
The characteristics of flare- and CME-productive solar active regions, Kontogiannis, Ioannis , Advances in Space Research, Volume 71, p.2017-2037, (2023)
Signatures of dynamic fibrils at the coronal base: Observations from Solar Orbiter/EUI, Mandal, Sudip, Peter Hardi, Chitta Lakshmi Pradeep, Cuadrado Regina Aznar, Schühle Udo, Teriaca Luca, Solanki Sami K., Harra Louise, Berghmans David, Auchère Frédéric, et al. , Astron. Astrophys., Volume 670, p.L3, (2023)
Image enhancement with wavelet-optimized whitening, Auchère, F., Soubrie E., Pelouze G., and Buchlin E. , Astron. Astrophys., Volume 670, p.A66, (2023)
Automatic detection of small-scale EUV brightenings observed by the Solar Orbiter/EUI, Alipour, N., Safari H., Verbeeck C., Berghmans D., Auchère F., Chitta L. P., Antolin P., Barczynski K., Buchlin E., R. Cuadrado Aznar, et al. , Astron. Astrophys., Volume 663, p.A128, (2022)
The cyclic behaviour in the N-S asymmetry of sunspots and solar plages for the period 1910 to 1937 using data from Ebro catalogues, de Paula, V., Curto J. J., and Oliver R. , Monthly Notices of the RAS, Volume 512, p.5726-5742, (2022)
Validation of a Wave Heated 3D MHD Coronal-wind Model using Polarized Brightness and EUV Observations, Parenti, Susanna, Réville Victor, Brun Allan Sacha, Pinto Rui F., Auchère Frédéric, Buchlin Éric, Perri Barbara, and Strugarek Antoine , Astrophys. J., Volume 929, p.75, (2022)
The first widespread solar energetic particle event of solar cycle 25 on 2020 November 29. Shock wave properties and the wide distribution of solar energetic particles, Kouloumvakos, A., Kwon R. Y., Rodríguez-García L., Lario D., Dresing N., Kilpua E. K. J., Vainio R., Török T., Plotnikov I., Rouillard A. P., et al. , Astron. Astrophys., Volume 660, p.A84, (2022)
Flux rope and dynamics of the heliospheric current sheet. Study of the Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter conjunction of June 2020, Reville, V., Fargette N., Rouillard A. P., Lavraud B., Velli M., Strugarek A., Parenti S., Brun A. S., Shi C., Kouloumvakos A., et al. , Astron. Astrophys., Volume 659, p.A110, (2022)
The role of asymmetries in coronal rain formation during thermal non-equilibrium cycles, Pelouze, Gabriel, Auchère Frédéric, Bocchialini Karine, Froment Clara, Mikić Zoran, Soubrié Elie, and Voyeux Alfred , Astron. Astrophys., Volume 658, p.A71, (2022)
Magnetic imaging of the outer solar atmosphere (MImOSA), Peter, H., E. Ballester Alsina, Andretta V., Auchère F., Belluzzi L., Bemporad A., Berghmans D., Buchlin E., Calcines A., Chitta L. P., et al. , Experimental Astronomy, Volume 54, p.185-225, (2022)
Plasma Composition Measurements in an Active Region from Solar Orbiter/SPICE and Hinode/EIS, Brooks, David H., Janvier Miho, Baker Deborah, Warren Harry P., Auchère Frédéric, Carlsson Mats, Fludra Andrzej, Hassler Don, Peter Hardi, Müller Daniel, et al. , Astrophys. J., Volume 940, p.66, (2022)
Solar coronal heating from small-scale magnetic braids, Chitta, L. P., Peter H., Parenti S., Berghmans D., Auchère F., Solanki S. K., R. Cuadrado Aznar, Schühle U., Teriaca L., Mandal S., et al. , Astron. Astrophys., Volume 667, p.A166, (2022)
The State of the White-Light Corona over the Minimum and Ascending Phases of Solar Cycle 25 - Comparison with Past Cycles, Lamy, Philippe, and Gilardy Hugo , Solar Phys., Volume 297, p.140, (2022)
Forecasting the Geomagnetic Activity Several Days in Advance Using Neural Networks Driven by Solar EUV Imaging, Bernoux, Guillerme, Brunet Antoine, Buchlin Éric, Janvier Miho, and Sicard Angélica , Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), Volume 127, p.e2022JA030868, (2022)
What drives decayless kink oscillations in active-region coronal loops on the Sun?, Mandal, Sudip, Chitta Lakshmi Pradeep, Antolin Patrick, Peter Hardi, Solanki Sami K., Auchère Frédéric, Berghmans David, Zhukov Andrei N., Teriaca Luca, Cuadrado Regina A., et al. , Astron. Astrophys., Volume 666, p.L2, (2022)
Forecasting Solar Flares by Data Assimilation in Sandpile Models, Thibeault, Christian, Strugarek Antoine, Charbonneau Paul, and Tremblay Benoit , Solar Phys., Volume 297, p.125, (2022)
Observation of a Magnetic Switchback in the Solar Corona, Telloni, Daniele, Zank Gary P., Stangalini Marco, Downs Cooper, Liang Haoming, Nakanotani Masaru, Andretta Vincenzo, Antonucci Ester, Sorriso-Valvo Luca, Adhikari Laxman, et al. , Astrophys. J. Lett., Volume 936, p.L25, (2022)
Restoration of the K and F Components of the Solar Corona from LASCO-C2 Images over 24 Years [1996 - 2019], Llebaria, Antoine, Lamy Philippe, Gilardy Hugo, Boclet Brice, and Loirat Jean , Solar Phys., Volume 296, p.53, (2021)
