List of Articles using MEDOC resources

Significant Results from SUMER/SOHO, Dwivedi, B. N. , ArXiv Astrophysics e-prints, Nov, (2006)
Study of an extended EUV filament using SoHO/SUMER observations of the hydrogen Lyman lines, Schwartz, P., Heinzel P., Schmieder B., and Anzer U. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Nov, Volume 459, p.651-661, (2006)
Physics of the Sun's Hot Atmosphere, Dwivedi, B. N. , Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, Sep, Volume 27, p.125-137, (2006)
Solar coronal-hole plasma densities and temperatures, Wilhelm, K. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Aug, Volume 455, p.697-708, (2006)
SOHO/CDS Observations of Quiescent Active Region Loops, Del Zanna, G., Mason H. E., and Cirtain J. , SOHO-17. 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond, Jul, Volume 617, (2006)
Plasma diagnostic of a solar prominence from hydrogen and helium resonance lines, Labrosse, N., Vial J.-C., and Gouttebroze P. , SF2A-2006: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, Jun, p.549, (2006)
A statistical study of SUMER spectral images: events, turbulence, and intermittency, Buchlin, E., Vial J.-C., and Lemaire P. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Jun, Volume 451, p.1091-1099, (2006)
Oscillations in a solar filament: first observation of long periods in the HeI 584.33 Å line, modelling and diagnostic, Pouget, G., Bocchialini K., and Solomon J. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, May, Volume 450, p.1189-1198, (2006)
Stellar Pulsation: an Overview, Kurtz, D. W. , Astrophysics of Variable Stars, Apr, Volume 349, p.101, (2006)
A new relation between the central spectral solar H I Lyman α irradiance and the line irradiance measured by SUMER/SOHO during the cycle 23, Emerich, C., Lemaire P., Vial J.-C., Curdt W., Schühle U., and Wilhelm K. , Icarus, Nov, Volume 178, p.429-433, (2005)
Coordinating with SOHO, Haugan, S. V. H. , Advances in Space Research, Volume 36, p.1557-1560, (2005)
Global solar Doppler velocity determination with the GOLF/SoHO instrument, García, R. A., Turck-Chièze S., Boumier P., Robillot J. M., Bertello L., Charra J., Dzitko H., Gabriel A. H., Jiménez-Reyes S. J., Pallé P. L., et al. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Oct, Volume 442, p.385-395, (2005)
Model of the all-sky He II 30.4 nm solar flux, Auchère, F., Cook J. W., Newmark J. S., McMullin D. R., von Steiger R., and Witte M. , Advances in Space Research, Volume 35, p.388-392, (2005)
CORONAS-F/SPIRIT EUV observations of October-November 2003 solar eruptive events in combination with SOHO/EIT data, Grechnev, V. V., Chertok I. M., Slemzin V. A., Kuzin S. V., Ignat'ev A. P., Pertsov A. A., Zhitnik I. A., DelaboudinièRe J.-P., and Auchère F. , Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), Sep, Volume 110, p.9, (2005)
Variation of the full Sun hydrogen Lyman profiles through solar cycle 23, Lemaire, P., Emerich C., Vial J.-C., Curdt W., Schühle U., and Wilhelm K. , Advances in Space Research, Volume 35, p.384-387, (2005)
A Model for Solar EUV Flux Helium Photoionization Throughout the 3-Dimensional Heliosphere, Auchère, F., McMullin D. R., Cook J. W., Newmark J. S., von Steiger R., and Witte M. , Solar Wind 11/SOHO 16, Connecting Sun and Heliosphere, Sep, Volume 592, p.327, (2005)
The Heliospheric He II 30.4 nm Solar Flux During Cycle 23, Auchère, F., Cook J. W., Newmark J. S., McMullin D. R., von Steiger R., and Witte M. , Astrophysical Journal, Jun, Volume 625, p.1036-1044, (2005)
The correlation between coronal Doppler shifts and the supergranular network, Aiouaz, T., Peter H., and Lemaire P. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, May, Volume 435, p.713-721, (2005)
a Coronal Mass Ejection on 05 February 2005: Radio, EUV and Visible Light Observations, Raoult-Barbezat, A., and Klein K.-L. , The Dynamic Sun: Challenges for Theory and Observations, Dec, Volume 600, (2005)
The widths of vacuum-ultraviolet spectral lines in the equatorial solar corona observed with CDS and SUMER, Wilhelm, K., Fludra A., Teriaca L., Harrison R. A., Dwivedi B. N., and Pike C. D. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, May, Volume 435, p.733-741, (2005)
