List of Articles using MEDOC resources

NLTE Analysis of SUMER Filament Observations on SOHO, Heinzel, P., Schmieder B., and Vial J.-C. , Fifth SOHO Workshop: The Corona and Solar Wind Near Minimum Activity, Volume 404, p.427, (1997)
Low Transition-Region Characteristics of Equatorial Coronal Holes, Patsourakos, S., Bocchialini K., and Vial J.-C. , Fifth SOHO Workshop: The Corona and Solar Wind Near Minimum Activity, Volume 404, p.577, (1997)
First Results of SOHO's Joint Observing Programme 40, Patsourakos, S., Bocchialini K., and Vial J.-C. , IAU Joint Discussion, Volume 19, (1997)
Diagnostic and observations of quiescent and, Vial, J.-C., Gontikakis C., Bocchialini K., and Gouttebroze P. , IAU Joint Discussion, Volume 19, (1997)
Automated Data Transfer Process Applications in a Space Tele-Operation Centre, Leynen, D. , Space Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems - SpaceOps '96, Nov, Volume 394, p.1075, (1996)
The Technical Architectures of the Medoc Centre for SOHO, Scholl, I. , Space Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems - SpaceOps '96, Nov, Volume 394, p.384, (1996)
Foreword, Bonnet, R. M. , Solar Physics, Dec, Volume 162, p.D11, (1995)
The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer for the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, Kohl, J. L., Esser R., Gardner L. D., Habbal S., Daigneau P. S., Dennis E. F., Nystrom G. U., Panasyuk A., Raymond J. C., Smith P. L., et al. , Solar Physics, Dec, Volume 162, p.313-356, (1995)
SUMER - Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation, Wilhelm, K., Curdt W., Marsch E., Schühle U., Lemaire P., Gabriel A., Vial J.-C., Grewing M., Huber M. C. E., Jordan S. D., et al. , Solar Physics, Dec, Volume 162, p.189-231, (1995)
Global Oscillations at Low Frequency from the SOHO Mission (GOLF), Gabriel, A. H., Grec G., Charra J., Robillot J.-M., Roca_Cortés T., Turck-Chièze S., Bocchia R., Boumier P., Cantin M., Cespédes E., et al. , Solar Physics, Dec, Volume 162, p.61-99, (1995)
