List of Articles using MEDOC resources

NLTE Analysis of SUMER Filament Observations on SOHO, , Fifth SOHO Workshop: The Corona and Solar Wind Near Minimum Activity, Volume 404, p.427, (1997)
Low Transition-Region Characteristics of Equatorial Coronal Holes, , Fifth SOHO Workshop: The Corona and Solar Wind Near Minimum Activity, Volume 404, p.577, (1997)
First Results of SOHO's Joint Observing Programme 40, , IAU Joint Discussion, Volume 19, (1997)
Diagnostic and observations of quiescent and, , IAU Joint Discussion, Volume 19, (1997)
Automated Data Transfer Process Applications in a Space Tele-Operation Centre, , Space Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems - SpaceOps '96, Nov, Volume 394, p.1075, (1996)
The Technical Architectures of the Medoc Centre for SOHO, , Space Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems - SpaceOps '96, Nov, Volume 394, p.384, (1996)
Foreword, , Solar Physics, Dec, Volume 162, p.D11, (1995)
The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer for the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, , Solar Physics, Dec, Volume 162, p.313-356, (1995)
SUMER - Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation, , Solar Physics, Dec, Volume 162, p.189-231, (1995)
Global Oscillations at Low Frequency from the SOHO Mission (GOLF), , Solar Physics, Dec, Volume 162, p.61-99, (1995)
