List of Articles using MEDOC resources

Temporal evolution of different temperature plasma during explosive events, Madjarska, M. S., and Doyle J. G. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Jan, Volume 382, p.319-327, (2002)
Measurement of velocity fields in prominence plasma with SUMER/CDS on SOHO, Cirigliano, D., Vial J.-C., and Rovira M. , From Solar Min to Max: Half a Solar Cycle with SOHO, Jun, Volume 508, p.287-290, (2002)
Variation of the full Sun hydrogen Lyman α and β profiles with the activity cycle, Lemaire, P., Emerich C., Vial J.-C., Curdt W., Schühle U., and Wilhelm K. , From Solar Min to Max: Half a Solar Cycle with SOHO, Jun, Volume 508, p.219-222, (2002)
Why Are Solar Filaments More Extended in Extreme-Ultraviolet Lines than in Hα?, Heinzel, P., Schmieder B., and Tziotziou K. , Astrophysical Journal Letters, Nov, Volume 561, p.L223-L227, (2001)
An Observational Test for Solar Atmospheric Heating, van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Démoulin P., Ireland J., Thompson B., Fludra A., Oláh K., Kövári Z., Harra L. K., Mandrini C. H., Bocchialini K., et al. , Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions, Volume 203, p.514, (2001)
Analysis of a UV Event in a Polar Coronal Hole, Patsourakos, S., and Vial J.-C. , Solar Physics, Oct, Volume 203, p.39-51, (2001)
Oscillations Observed in Intensity and Velocity for a Quienscent Prominence, Bocchialini, K., Costa A., Domenech G., Rovira M., and Vial J.-C. , Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions, Volume 203, p.419, (2001)
Dopplershifts in the solar transition region, Gontikakis, C., Dara H. C., Alissandrakis C. E., Zachariadis T. G., and Vial J.-C. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Oct, Volume 378, p.257-265, (2001)
Plasma Parameters of a Prominence Observed on October 16/17 1999 by SUMER and CDS/SOHO, Madjarska, M. S., Vial J.-C., Boccialini K., and Dermendijiev V. N. , Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions, Volume 203, p.410, (2001)
Oscillations in an active region filament: Observations and comparison with MHD waves, Régnier, S., Solomon J., and Vial J. C. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Sep, Volume 376, p.292-301, (2001)
The Relationship between CMEs and Prominence Eruptions, Schmieder, B., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Delannée C., Simnett G. M., and Wiik J. E. , Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions, Volume 203, p.310, (2001)
SWRI/LASP Sounding Rocket Inter-Calibration With The Eit Instrument On Board SOHO, Auchère, F., Hassler D. M., Slater D. C., and Woods T. N. , Solar Physics, Sep, Volume 202, p.269-280, (2001)
SUMER/SOHO Observations of Long Period Oscillations in an Active Region Filament, Régnier, S., Solomon J., and Vial J. C. , Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions, Volume 203, p.307, (2001)
Plumes and oscillations in the sunspot transition region, Maltby, P., Brynildsen N., Kjeldseth-Moe O., and Wilhelm K. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Jul, Volume 373, p.L1-L4, (2001)
The Design of Solar Web, a Web Tool for Searching in Heterogeneous Web-based Solar Databases, Scholl, I. , Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems X, Volume 238, p.86, (2001)
Coronal electron acceleration and relativistic proton production during the 14 July 2000 flare and CME, Klein, K.-L., Trottet G., Lantos P., and DelaboudinièRe J.-P. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Jul, Volume 373, p.1073-1082, (2001)
Solar Web: A Web Tool for Searching in Web-Based Solar Databases, Scholl, I. , Virtual Observatories of the Future, Volume 225, p.225, (2001)
A Perturbed Tri-Polytropic Model of the Sun, Pinzon, G. A., and Calvo-Mozo B. , ArXiv Astrophysics e-prints, Jul, (2001)
Dual Flows and Oscillations in the Sunspot Transition Region, Brynildsen, N., Maltby P., Kjeldseth-Moe O., and Wilhelm K. , Astrophysical Journal Letters, May, Volume 552, p.L77-L80, (2001)
The Fall 2000 and Fall 2001 SOHO-Ulysses Quadratures, Suess, S., and Poletto G. , Space Sciences Review, May, Volume 97, p.59-62, (2001)
