List of Articles using MEDOC resources

Variation of the full Sun hydrogen Lyman α and β profiles with the activity cycle, Lemaire, P., Emerich C., Vial J.-C., Curdt W., Schühle U., and Wilhelm K. , From Solar Min to Max: Half a Solar Cycle with SOHO, Jun, Volume 508, p.219-222, (2002)
Cycle effects on low-degree p-modes: results from GOLF, Boumier, P., Lochard J., Thiery S., Baudin F., Gabriel A. H., Grec G., and Renaud C. , From Solar Min to Max: Half a Solar Cycle with SOHO, Jun, Volume 508, p.67-70, (2002)
Nanoflare Statistics from First Principles: Fractal Geometry and Temperature Synthesis, Aschwanden, M. J., and Parnell C. E. , Astrophysical Journal, Jun, Volume 572, p.1048-1071, (2002)
Dopplershifts in the solar transition region, Gontikakis, C., Dara H. C., Alissandrakis C. E., Zachariadis T. G., and Vial J.-C. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Oct, Volume 378, p.257-265, (2001)
Plasma Parameters of a Prominence Observed on October 16/17 1999 by SUMER and CDS/SOHO, Madjarska, M. S., Vial J.-C., Boccialini K., and Dermendijiev V. N. , Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions, Volume 203, p.410, (2001)
Oscillations in an active region filament: Observations and comparison with MHD waves, Régnier, S., Solomon J., and Vial J. C. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Sep, Volume 376, p.292-301, (2001)
The Relationship between CMEs and Prominence Eruptions, Schmieder, B., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Delannée C., Simnett G. M., and Wiik J. E. , Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions, Volume 203, p.310, (2001)
SWRI/LASP Sounding Rocket Inter-Calibration With The Eit Instrument On Board SOHO, Auchère, F., Hassler D. M., Slater D. C., and Woods T. N. , Solar Physics, Sep, Volume 202, p.269-280, (2001)
SUMER/SOHO Observations of Long Period Oscillations in an Active Region Filament, Régnier, S., Solomon J., and Vial J. C. , Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions, Volume 203, p.307, (2001)
Plumes and oscillations in the sunspot transition region, Maltby, P., Brynildsen N., Kjeldseth-Moe O., and Wilhelm K. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Jul, Volume 373, p.L1-L4, (2001)
The Design of Solar Web, a Web Tool for Searching in Heterogeneous Web-based Solar Databases, Scholl, I. , Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems X, Volume 238, p.86, (2001)
Coronal electron acceleration and relativistic proton production during the 14 July 2000 flare and CME, Klein, K.-L., Trottet G., Lantos P., and DelaboudinièRe J.-P. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Jul, Volume 373, p.1073-1082, (2001)
Solar Web: A Web Tool for Searching in Web-Based Solar Databases, Scholl, I. , Virtual Observatories of the Future, Volume 225, p.225, (2001)
A Perturbed Tri-Polytropic Model of the Sun, Pinzon, G. A., and Calvo-Mozo B. , ArXiv Astrophysics e-prints, Jul, (2001)
Dual Flows and Oscillations in the Sunspot Transition Region, Brynildsen, N., Maltby P., Kjeldseth-Moe O., and Wilhelm K. , Astrophysical Journal Letters, May, Volume 552, p.L77-L80, (2001)
The Fall 2000 and Fall 2001 SOHO-Ulysses Quadratures, Suess, S., and Poletto G. , Space Sciences Review, May, Volume 97, p.59-62, (2001)
UVCS Observations of Velocity Shear at Streamer Boundaries in the Corona, Habbal, S. R., Woo R., and Vial J.-C. , Space Sciences Review, May, Volume 97, p.5-8, (2001)
Electron density variations during ultraviolet transient events, Teriaca, L., Madjarska M. S., and Doyle J. G. , Solar Physics, May, Volume 200, p.91-114, (2001)
SOHO/SUMER observations and analysis of the hydrogen Lyman spectrum in solar prominences, Heinzel, P., Schmieder B., Vial J.-C., and Kotrič P. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Apr, Volume 370, p.281-297, (2001)
Dynamics of a Quiescent Solar Prominence Observed with the SUMER/SOHO Instrument, Bocchialini, K., Costa A., Domenech G., Rovira M., Vial J. C., and Wingfield K. , Solar Physics, Mar, Volume 199, p.133-143, (2001)
