List of Articles using MEDOC resources

Dynamics of quiescent prominence fine structures analyzed by 2D non-LTE modelling of the Hα line, Gunár, S., Mein P., Schmieder B., Heinzel P., and Mein N. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 543, p.A93, (2012)
Morphology, dynamics and plasma parameters of plumes and inter-plume regions in solar coronal holes, Wilhelm, K., Abbo L., Auchère F., Barbey N., Feng L., Gabriel A. H., Giordano S., Imada S., Llebaria A., Matthaeus W. H., et al. , Astronomy and Astrophysics Reviews, Jun, Volume 19, p.35, (2011)
Synthetic differential emission measure curves of prominence fine structures. II. The SoHO/SUMER prominence of 8 June 2004, Gunár, S., Parenti S., Anzer U., Heinzel P., and Vial J.-C. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Nov, Volume 535, p.A122, (2011)
Oscillatory motions observed in eruptive filaments, Bocchialini, K., Baudin F., Koutchmy S., Pouget G., and Solomon J. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 533, p.A96, (2011)
Morphology, dynamics and plasma parameters of plumes and inter-plume regions in solar coronal holes, Wilhelm, K., Abbo L., Auchère F., Barbey N., Feng L., Gabriel A. H., Giordano S., Imada S., Llebaria A., Matthaeus W. H., et al. , Astronomy and Astrophysics Reviews, Volume 19, p.35, (2011)
2D radiative-magnetohydrostatic model of a prominence observed by Hinode, SoHO/SUMER and Meudon/MSDP, Berlicki, A., Gunár S., Heinzel P., Schmieder B., and Schwartz P. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Jun, Volume 530, p.A143, (2011)
Initiation and Early Development of the 2008 April 26 Coronal Mass Ejection, Huang, J., Démoulin P., Pick M., Auchère F., Yan Y. H., and Bouteille A. , Astrophysical Journal, Mar, Volume 729, p.107, (2011)
Automatic detection and statistical analysis of intensity oscillations in the solar corona with SDO, Auchère, F., Bocchialini K., Solomon J., Gabriel A., and Tison E. , 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Volume 38, p.2863, (2010)
The SDO data centre at IDOC/MEDOC in France, Parenti, S., Bocchialini K., Soubrie E., Auchère F., Ballans H., Buchlin E., Gabriel A., Mercier C., Poulleau G., and Vial J.-C. , 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Volume 38, p.2888, (2010)
On the observations and possible interpretations of very long period intensity oscillations of solar coronal loops, Solomon, J., Auchère F., Bocchialini K., Gabriel A., and Tison E. , 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Volume 38, p.2853, (2010)
Velocity vectors of a quiescent prominence observed by Hinode/SOT and the MSDP (Meudon), Schmieder, B., Chandra R., Berlicki A., and Mein P. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 514, p.A68, (2010)
Large-scale Extreme-Ultraviolet Disturbances Associated with a Limb Coronal Mass Ejection, Dai, Y., Auchère F., Vial J.-C., Tang Y. H., and Zong W. G. , Astrophysical Journal, Volume 708, p.913-919, (2010)
Automated detection of filaments and their eruptions from AIA and HMI/SDO data, Buchlin, E., Mercier C., and Vial J.-C. , 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Volume 38, p.2862, (2010)
Hydrogen Lyα and Lyβ Radiances and Profiles in Polar Coronal Holes, Tian, H., Teriaca L., Curdt W., and Vial J.-C. , Astrophysical Journal Letters, Oct, Volume 703, p.L152-L156, (2009)
Solar source of energetic particles in interplanetary space during the 2006 December 13 event, Li, C., Dai Y., Vial J.-C., Owen C. J., Matthews S. A., Tang Y. H., Fang C., and Fazakerley A. N. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Sep, Volume 503, p.1013-1021, (2009)
Solar off-limb line widths with SUMER: revised value of the non-thermal velocity and new results, Dolla, L., and Solomon J. , Annales Geophysicae, Sep, Volume 27, p.3551-3558, (2009)
Electron density in the quiet solar coronal transition region from SoHO/SUMER measurements of S VI line radiance and opacity, Buchlin, E., and Vial J.-C. , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 503, p.559-568, (2009)
The Structure and Origin of Solar Plumes: Network Plumes, Gabriel, A., Bely-Dubau F., Tison E., and Wilhelm K. , Astrophysical Journal, Jul, Volume 700, p.551-558, (2009)
The He ii Lines in the Lyman Series Profiles of Solar Prominences, Ebadi, H., Vial J.-C., and Ajabshirizadeh A. , Solar Physics, Jun, Volume 257, p.91-98, (2009)
The Ground-Based Solar Observations Database BASS 2000, Paletou, F., Lafon M., Maeght P., Grimaud F., Louge T., and Aboudarham J. , Solar Polarization 5: In Honor of Jan Stenflo, Jun, Volume 405, p.397, (2009)
